by vits-admin | Sep 2, 2020 | Member Events, News, Rowing news & results
Every Saturday in the Clubhouse The Club family brunch service us available from 10 am – 3pm, every Saturday. Bring the family or even just make time for yourself with the paper! The delicious new casual brunch menu has tempting and extensive options. Look out...
by vits-admin | Aug 10, 2020 | Member Events, News, Pink Hippo Shop
Friday 11th – Saturday 12th September, between 10am and 4 pm Grab a bargain at the Pink Hippo Shop sale. We have end of line items and excess stock available at discounted prices. These include t-shirts, baby items, socks and much more! You are welcome to come...
by vits-admin | Aug 10, 2020 | Member Events, News
Saturday 17th October 2pm – 10pm (in line with the new restrictions Bands, bratwurst and beer We are pleased to announce that Leander will be hosting Oktoberfest! Come and enjoy real ale under the canopy in our garden. Ticket price £25 includes: entry, food and...
by vits-admin | Jul 17, 2020 | News, Rowing news & results
The Kanghua KX is an elite range of boats developed with technical input from Leander Club, which has been using Kanghua boats since 2015. Kanghua has benefited enormously from the detailed feedback provided by Leander coaches and athletes over the past five years and...
by vits-admin | Jun 30, 2020 | Members, News
The Club is open* Following the recent Government statements on hospitality re-opening, we are also pleased to let Members know that we are extending the Club dining service and offering accommodation in a phased re-opening during July. Our new menu also has some...
by vits-admin | Jun 25, 2020 | Members, News
We will be serving the following dishes, all lovingly prepared to order by our Leander chefs Please note that booking is essential under the current guidelines. To book, please contact Laura Andrew by email or call the Club on 01491 575782. Starters...
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