Full Membership Applications

Eligibility Criteria

We are always pleased to receive applications. Each candidate is assessed individually on their merits and you’ll need to meet our eligibility criteria.

For Full Membership, the rules of the Club formally note the eligibility qualifications as “… good fellowship and excellence in the rowing, sculling, coxing or coaching of high performance in fine racing boats. In the election of Full Members special consideration shall be given to candidates who have rowed with distinction at their universities or in international competition or at major regattas or races. A candidate who has not achieved such proficiency, but who, because of their service to the sport of rowing may seem desirable to the Committee, shall also be eligible for election as a Full Member.”


In practice, the Leander Club Committee assesses each candidate on their merit and has regard to a wide range of considerations.

Rowing prowess: In the case of those who have rowed, Full Members include distinguished past and present rowers and coaches together with the world-class athletes who comprise our active rowing squad. Some of these men and women will have been selected for international representation, many will have reached the later stages of competition at Henley Royal Regatta, or competed for their universities in long-established events, while others may have achieved success in major domestic open competition. Similarly, recognition is given to Paralympians and many others who have distinguished themselves in rowing competition at many levels. Consideration is also given to exceptional individual performances in masters rowing, indoor rowing and coastal rowing.

Services to rowing: The Committee also elects Full Members based on their services to rowing. It is recognised that many people have given significant service to our sport at national, club, student or school level over an extended period. Historically we have regularly elected members from all over the country – and from all over the world – because of their long term commitment and devotion to the sport in their area and not for their particular rowing prowess.

How to apply

Candidates must complete the Full Membership application form and be supported by a proposer and seconder (who must themselves both be existing Full Members).

Your proposer should have known you for some time, and should write in support of your application for Membership.

Please be aware that being eligible to apply does not give any Right to be elected – this is a Committee decision.

Club Livery

Full Members of Leander are entitled to wear ‘the Pink’ which includes the tie, cap, Panama hat,
cummerbund and socks. Pink pashminas, scarves and brooches are also available. The rowing blazer
(for men or women) bears the Leander logo ‘LC’ which is also carried on buttons, cufflinks and casual
wear such as polo shirts and jumpers.

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